It’s been a while, sweet night,
since we tangled in your embrace
and let our anxious minds unfurl
like leaves beneath a September sun.
Although with you it was always moonlight,
undressing us in your shadows
speaking to us in tongues
inducing us to love you, and her, and them.
So we’d devour every inch of you,
and you’d let us every time
like some deviant aunty
overflowing with tales of sins and love.
For us, you would split yourself in half,
again and again, break off parts
of you to give to us
and we took it all,
became a patchwork of bodies
in purple, and blue, and gold
the roar of music rushing through our limbs
as you called your sweet mantra Now Now Now!
There is only Now!
Then you’d carry us through crowds, hand in hand,
like paperchain dolls
our heartbeats in each other's palms
seeking a moment of repose.
Together we’d clutch at cigarettes, puff puff puff,
try to hold tight our jaws
to stop our dreams from falling out
on the dirty ground between us.
A most loyal carrier of secrets
we'd drink from each other in gallons
make pacts of sisterhood and forevers
dreams of changing, but staying the same,
our minds would fly, like
streamers in the wind,
you were one long grateful exhale …
you washed me clean every time.
So don’t forget us sweet night,
it's been a while, but
we are not done with you yet.